Welcome to Biju John’s Personal Page. I am delighted to share my thoughts and views with all my friends everywhere. I have been thinking of writing my hearts’ beatings over many years, but somehow I could not pull it off. Even though this domain was registered a long time ago by a friend of mine I have differed to develop it to a full-fledged platform for me to communicate over various reasons. Now I am sure the Lord wanted me to use this one to bring out the musings and thoughts to all those well-wishers.
I am sure, you will have a lot to share with me and you can do so through the comment sections. I will try the best possible way to replay or answer your queries.
Biju John

Biju John sir was my teacher in GBC and I love his passion for the Lord and ministry. I pray that the Lord will use His servant more and more. Sir, please pray for me.
Thanks Lovingson, for good words! God bless you abundantly and be assured of prayers.